Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Patrick Swayze Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer

What rotten luck - I just read that Patrick Swayze, star of DIRTY DANCING, GHOST, and POINT BREAK, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. That's one of those nasty ones that hides and doesn't seem to cause problems until it's almost too late to do anything about it. (Jack Benny died from it - about a month after they figured out what he had!)

"Patrick is currently undergoing treatment," a rep for the actor said in a statement released on Wednesday. "He is continuing his normal schedule during this time, which includes working on upcoming projects. The outpouring of support and concern he has already received from the public is deeply appreciated by Patrick and his family."

Based on info from the American Cancer Society, the one-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is 20 percent, while the five-year rate is only 4 percent. Those aren't very good odds!

Here's hoping they caught it early enough that with some of the new treatments available they'll be able to do something for him. I'd hate to lose another favorite actor so soon after Heath Ledger and Roy Scheider.

For more info on pancreatic cancer, see the American Cancer Society

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